He was wrong not only because they lost World War II, but also because after the war fascism was rejected by West Germany. Eine Verarbeitung der auf Ihrem Gerät gespeicherten Informationen wie z.B. There are people who get terribly upset and make claims and deflections such as, "They're not concentration camps, nobody's being gassed!" Given the way that Trump’s supporters and the broader right-wing movement in America works, I am unsure if describing Trump as being evil would actually bring any clarity to the conversation. Donald Trump meets every single criterion for using the word evil — and he keeps meeting it every day. Cookies oder persönliche Identifikatoren, IP-Adressen sowie Ihres individuellen Nutzungsverhaltens erfolgt dabei zu den folgenden Zwecken: Für die Ihnen angezeigten Verarbeitungszwecke können Cookies, Geräte-Kennungen oder andere Informationen auf Ihrem Gerät gespeichert oder abgerufen werden. Er spricht über die schwierige Aufgabe Joe Bidens, die politischen Lager wieder miteinander zu versöhnen. Die Performance von Anzeigen und Inhalten kann gemessen werden. They are evil. The American media has “massaged” the truth in Trump's favor by waiting almost three years into his presidency to finally describe him as a racist and a white supremacist. In 1945 and 1946, there was no clear way to know that outcome. Die Philosophin ist Jüdin, geboren 1955 in Atlanta, Georgia, einem der Südstaaten der USA. Sie verbinden sich live von zu Hause auf die große Bühne des Gorki Theaters, um über soziale, politische und kulturelle Folgen von Corona zu diskutieren. I’d understood the dilemma of normalising Trump’s ideas and policies — the racism, misogyny and demonisation of the free press. Trump is the most purely evil human being I've ever met, and also the most insecure. Philosopher Susan Neiman, one of the world's leading experts on evil, said this about Donald Trump in a conversation with Salon last year: They're not death camps. Die Bielefelder Autorin Susan Kreller erhält den mit 8.000 Euro dotierten Friedrich-Gerstäcker-Preis für Jugendliteratur der Stadt Braunschweig. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Susan Neiman, Philosophin Die US-Amerikanerin ist … All rights reserved. During a recent “Ask me Anything” session on Reddit, Tony Schwartz, who was Donald Trump’s ghostwriter for “The Art of the Deal,” issued a similar warning: I believe deeply that most people are better than their worst behaviors…. Philosopher Susan Neiman says Trump is evil — and she literally wrote the book Holocaust expert: Yes, those are concentration camps — and … Most white Americans really do not. Why are they so afraid of those terms? Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen, die die Anzeigen und Inhalte betrachtet haben, können abgeleitet werden. Senior Nazi Party leader Hermann Göring said, "Fifty years from now, people will be making statues to celebrate us." That's the end. Von den Deutschen lernen: Philosophin Susan Neiman zeigt, was wir von der deutschen Erinnerungskultur lernen können. Of course, the mainstream American news media will not use that language. Evil is a word that should be used with caution. I find it pretty disgusting. Die Proteste in den USA sind die größten seit der Bürgerrechtsbewegung von 1968. Susan Neiman, Corona-Krise, TV-Show, ZDF; Leserbrief schreiben. Der Antisemitismusbeauftragte der Bundesregierung wirft dem Historiker Achille Mbembe vor, … Bereits PUR-Abonnent? We need to look at the 1930s, that time before Hitler was elected. John C. Kornblum, Ex-Diplomat „Trump muss bestraft werden“, sagt der ehemalige US-Botschafter. There is another word that can and should be used to describe Donald Trump. Anzeigen und Inhalte können basierend auf einem Profil personalisiert werden. There is a similar willful distortion in terms of how America’s slave labor prison camps — places where black human property was worked to death, raped, tortured, and abused in all manner of ways for centuries — are literally whitewashed as beautiful “Southern Plantations” where white people now go on tours, have weddings and other celebrations. and "Never again!" ------------------------------------------, into his presidency to finally describe him as a racist and a white supremacist, summoning and mainstreaming of chaos and nihilism, Donald Trump’s ghostwriter for “The Art of the Deal,” issued a similar warning, reflect deeper problems about the use and abuse of history in America. There is much resistance at these places to telling any of this truth about the suffering of actual black Americans. China: Wuhan ein Jahr nach dem 11:45 World Stories Corona-Ausbruch 23:45 World Stories Reportagen der Woche Reportagen der Woche MO 11.01.21 DI 12.01.21 The evidence that Trump possesses such beliefs was publicly known for many years before his 2016 presidential campaign. Besuchen Sie zeit.de wie gewohnt mit Werbung und Tracking. However, for Trumpism and this nightmare to end we must act. Für ihre erste digitale Ausgabe bringt die Debattenserie den Politologen Ivan Krastev und die Philosophin Susan Neiman ins Gespräch. Susan Neiman, amerikanische Philosophin und Direktorin am Einstein Forum in Potsdam, ist heute zu Gast im „lesenswert“ Quartett mit den Literaturkritiker*innen Denis Scheck, Insa Wilke und Ijoma Mangold. In contrast to Barack Obama and his family who are loved abroad and were and are a source of great pride for America, Trump is the opposite. Susan Neiman erklärt, was die USA spaltet – und wie man das Böse wieder aus dem System kriegt. With dark tourism, I would be very suspicious of a person who feels compelled to go to all those sites of suffering and misery. Wegen der Corona-Krise noch einmal ohne Publikum. Ein Gastbeitrag von Susan Neiman und Sigmar Gabriel. Im Interview erzählt sie, warum – und … We must not surrender. Susan Neiman, Direktorin des Einstein Forums in Potsdam, sah das wieder ganz anders: „Wenn jetzt nichts geschieht, werden wir in Zukunft Probleme bekommen“, erklärte sie mit Blick auf die aufgestachelten Trump-Anhänger und plädierte für eine Amtsenthebung nach Verfassungszusatz 25. ... Der Corona-Impfstoff hat Biontech berühmt gemacht und dem Unternehmen erstmals seit seiner Gründung 2008 einen Gewinn beschert. I also argue that Bush is evil and I explored this in my book “Moral Clarity.” Unfortunately, the description of “evil” has been so overused that many people just believe that it is a type of name-calling. To do so takes away the fantasy and fun of “Gone With the Wind” and its white supremacist fantasy of the Old South. 01:00 Der Tag 13:03 Kultur.21 Das Bundesliga-Magazin It completely depends on what happens next. Scott Peck called them "People of the Lie." Nutzen Sie zeit.de mit weniger Werbung und ohne Werbetracking für 1,20 €/Woche (für Digital-Abonnenten nur 0,40 €/Woche). 12:45 Shift 00:30 Global 3000 ... 13:00 Tagesschau in 100 Sekunden Corona-Ausbruch 13:03 Kick off! When we relinquish the use of language like “evil” we are leaving the strongest linguistic weapons that we have in the hands of the people who are least equipped to use them. Die Corona-Krise, die Rassenunruhen und der beginnende Wahlkampf wären ein passender Anlass, um die Wahrnehmung der USA und ihrer Führer zu hinterfragen. Ihre Mutter war Bürgerrechtlerin und wollte ihre weiße Tochter auch mit schwarzen Kindern spielen lassen, dafür wurden sie von Rassisten bedroht. Let's assume that some decades from now a young person finds their parents’ or grandparents' Trump regalia hidden away in a box in the closet or basement. By implication, Trump's policies and those who enact and support them are stained by his evil. Markus Lanz … How the evils of the Holocaust came to be, the process. Es können mehr Daten hinzugefügt werden, um Anzeigen und Inhalte besser zu personalisieren. Als Susan Neiman 1955 in Atlanta (Georgia) zur Welt kam, gehörte die strikte Trennung von Schwarz und Weiß noch zum Alltag in den Südstaaten der USA. https://www.zeit.de/kultur/2020-07/susan-neiman-black-lives-matter-coronavirus Unfortunately, there are many parallels between Trumpism and the rise of the Nazis and Hitler. Thank God he was wrong. In terms of historical memory, how do you contextualize the way some Jewish young people go to the sites of death camps and concentration camps in Europe and then take selfies where they are smiling and having fun? John C. Kornblum, Susan Neiman u.a. Die SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG moderiert "ein Streitgespräch zwischen Susan Neiman und Michael Brenner über Kritik an Israel". Die dezidiert linke Philosophin Susan Neiman beschwört hingegen den Universalismus des Königsberger Philosophen und wendet ihn … He also hosts a weekly podcast, The Chauncey DeVega Show. Susan Neiman: Als ich mit der Recherche für das Buch vor vier Jahren anfing, hat das viele Amerikaner provoziert, und das war von mir auch so … But I do understand the caution and anxiety about using that language. This conversation has been edited for clarity and length. I believe that many people, particularly a certain type of liberal centrist, were put off by the way in which George W. Bush was described as being evil. That does not mean that accurate language for describing Trump and what he represents should be avoided. Hier anmelden. John C. Kornblum, Susan Neiman u.a. Daten können verwendet werden, um Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Systeme und Software aufzubauen oder zu verbessern. But watching just one press conference from Otay Mesa helped me understand how the process of reporting about this president can mask and normalise his full and alarming incoherence. There's something creepy and unhealthy about too much of an obsession with sites of slavery and murder. Zustimmung jederzeit über den Link Privacy Einstellungen am Ende jeder Seite widerrufbar. and then take selfies where they are smiling and having fun. Chauncey can be followed on Twitter and Facebook. In der prachtvollen Kulisse des Palais Biron in Baden-Baden diskutiert die Runde vier aktuelle Bücher. 5 Min. Many historians know these things. Susan Neiman über ihr Menschenbild "Gemeinsamkeiten sind wichtiger als Unterschiede" Mit dem Buch "Von den Deutschen lernen" sorgte sie für Aufsehen. And Göring was wrong because Nazi Germany lost the war. That is a fantastic example of what is wrong with America’s historical memory. Die Leiterin des Potsdamer Einstein-Forums, die US-Amerikanerin Susan Neiman, hat Hoffnung, dass sich dieses Mal wirklich etwas ändert. Susan Neiman über Antisemitismusvorwurf "Man muss die Politik Israels kritisieren". There is a distinction between concentration camps and death camps. Why is there such a deep reluctance on so many people's part —including the leaders of the Democratic Party — to label Donald Trump as evil? Because in most places outside the United States, Donald Trump personifies the caricature of the ugly American. Chauncey DeVega is a politics staff writer for Salon. The cruelty, the violence, the greed, the selfishness, the racism, the sexism, the nativism, the bigotry, the destruction, the lying, the assault on reality, the contempt for human dignity and civil rights, rejection of the rule of law and democracy, the summoning and mainstreaming of chaos and nihilism and a panoply of other social pathologies are more than the absence of good. Cynicism and surrender creates inaction. Concentration camps were simply places where masses of people, initially political prisoners, communists and social democrats — and as time went on also Jews, gay people and Sinti and Roma — and other targeted groups were interned under terrible conditions. These are fascist tactics. Wir erheben personenbezogene Daten und übermitteln diese auch an Drittanbieter, die uns helfen, unser Webangebot zu verbessern und zu finanzieren. No two historical events are ever identical. Details zum Tracking finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung und im Privacy Center. The Nazis didn't kill us all. The demonizing of minorities, the demonizing of the Other, the telling a lie loud enough and often enough and people will stop caring whether or not it's true. What we need to examine and publicly discuss in much more detail and much more often in America, is the beginning. Inhalt 75 Jahre Kriegsende - Wie wir uns erinnern, prägt unsere Zukunft. Um der Nutzung mit Werbung zuzustimmen, muss JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktiviert sein. They are describing death camps. But it is also important that those historic sites exist. In most circumstances, presenting information in as intelligible a form as possible is what we are trained for. Copyright © 2021 Salon.com, LLC. Germany’s reckoning with its Nazi past offers a blueprint for America’s reckoning with slavery and racism, the philosopher Susan Neiman argues. Donald Trump is that thing which everyone was afraid that America really was and is. Info-Box: Susan Neiman "Von den Deutschen lernen: Wie Gesellschaften mit dem Bösen in ihrer Geschichte umgehen" 576 Seiten, 28 Euro Hanser Berlin, 2020 … Is this reluctance to use the word "evil" related to the fact that many observers on both the left and right still refuse to say that Donald Trump is putting nonwhite migrants and refugees in "concentration camps"? This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Mehrere renommierte Kultureinrichtungen haben vor der Gefahr gewarnt, im Kampf gegen Antisemitismus wichtige kritische Positionen von der öffentlichen Debatte auszuschließen. Nach dem Massaker von Charleston 2015, bei dem ein weißer Amerikaner neun Afroamerikaner ermordete, beschloss Susan Neiman, ein Buch zu schreiben. It drives me slightly crazy when people say, "Remember the Holocaust!" To a large degree, the American news media has normalized Donald Trump and his fascist authoritarian assault on the country’s democracy and civil society by refusing to speak plainly and clearly about who Trump really is and the dangerous values he and his movement represent. There is no mystery or doubt: On a near daily basis, Donald Trump continues to show the world that he is a racist, a white supremacist and an authoritarian. Seite 2/2: "Man spricht von Afro-Pessimismus" Inhalt Auf einer Seite lesen Inhalt. Americans’ knowledge of what really went on during the Third Reich is ridiculous. Der gewaltsame Tod von George Floyd hat Proteste gegen Rassismus und Polizeigewalt ausgeslöst - weit über die USA hinaus. SALON ® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon.com, LLC. These Debatten ergeben würden, schien so gut wie sicher, doch plötzlich gab es nur ein Thema, ein völlig anderes: Corona und der Shutdown. How do Donald Trump and his movement reflect deeper problems about the use and abuse of history in America? There is a phenomenon called “dark tourism,” which is an example of how evil attracts people. There are certainly a lot of people, especially Jews who come back to Germany, that do have such feelings. Of course those are Donald Trump’s concentration camps. His essays can also be found at Chaunceydevega.com. Für Kritik oder Anregungen füllen Sie bitte die nachfolgenden Felder aus. Yes, African Americans probably grew up knowing these things. They lack any conscience, as Trump does, and so they're almost purely evil. I’ve edited skittering, half-finished sentences to present them in some kind of consequential order and repeated remarks that made little sense. Susan Neiman: Ist Optimismus im Corona-Jahr nur Selbstbetrug? ... „Die Corona-Leugner radikalisieren sich“ At this moment in time in America and other parts of the world it is incredibly important for all of us to not to feel overwhelmed. Zu Gast waren Elmar Theveßen, John Bolton, John Kornblum, Susan Neiman, Bodo Ramelow, Martin Machowecz, Alena Buyx und Dirk Brockmann. I disagree. Yes, people were carried through Europe, packed into cattle cars and generally gassed on arrival. Neiman is the author of several books, including “Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy.” Her new book is “Learning From the Germans: Race and the Memory of Evil.”. Obviously, these are not one-to-one comparisons between America now with Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Erfahrungen, die Susan Neiman geprägt haben. But the shock I felt hearing half an hour of unfiltered meanderings from the president of the United States made me wonder whether the editing does our readers a disservice …. In a recent essay for the Guardian, Australian journalist Lenore Taylor observed that after watching a full Trump press conference, she understood "how much the reporting of Trump necessarily edits and parses his words, to force it into sequential paragraphs or impose meaning where it is difficult to detect": In writing about this not-especially-important or unusual press conference I’ve run into what US reporters must encounter every day. In an effort to answer these questions I recently spoke with Susan Neiman, a former philosophy professor at Yale and Tel Aviv universities and now director of the Einstein Forum in Potsdam, Germany. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. Einen solchen Vergleich stellt jedenfalls Susan Neiman in ihrem Buch „Von den Deutschen lernen“ an. and "Learn the lessons of the Holocaust!" The evidence is obvious and overwhelming. Susan Neiman wurde 1955 zur Zeit der Rassentrennung in Atlanta, Georgia, als Jüdin geboren. Trump is Incredibly stupid, incredibly arrogant and just mind-numbingly wrong about everything. This American nightmare under Donald Trump is going to come to an end in November 2020. How strongly do Donald Trump’s concentration camps for nonwhite migrants and refugees echo the evil deeds of the Nazis? Donald Trump and his regime can be reasonably described as evil. I think one is morally required to feel enough hope to allow action. Associated Press articles: Copyright © 2016 The Associated Press. Zu den Wurzeln des Rassismus gehören Kolonialismus und Sklaverei - das düsteres Erbe, das vor allem in den USA noch nicht wirklich bearbeitet wurde. Sie werde wütend, wenn bestimmte Stimmen nicht zu hören seien, sagte die Direktorin des Einstein-Forums Potsdam, American use of references to the Nazis exists in an inverse relation to American knowledge about them. What exactly are we supposed to learn if we cannot compare it to other historical events? Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy. Jüngst ist auch der Begründer der Menschenrechte, Immanuel Kant, zur Zielscheibe von modernen Bilderstürmen geworden. He is evil. Is there going to be a sense of shame and embarrassment? Yes, there is this sense that we survived. Donald Trump has created a sense of enormous shame for Americans who live or travel abroad. As far as the person who finds their father’s or grandfather’s MAGA hat or other Trump regalia feeling ashamed, one thing we must consider is, has that person ever traveled outside the United States? This is a basic moral position. I also believe there are some who are simply irredeemable and evil.

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