Abstract: Intermodal logistics networks such as the maritime transport chain require a precise interaction of numerous actors. Zu dieser übergeordneten Zielstellung, die Sicherheit der Lebensmittelversorgung für Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu erhöhen, liefert das Verbundprojekt einen Beitrag durch eine fokussierte Untersuchung hinsichtlich möglicher Versorgungsengpässe, um das Management derartiger Lagen zu verbessern. Our final day in Hamburg began at KLU where Professor Dr. Hanno Friedrich gave an interesting lecture on innovation and start-ups in logistics and transportation. The German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) compiled the state-of-practice of modelling transport and included, thus, specific recommendations for commercial transport. Especially for large problem scopes in logistics and new agent-based freight transport models which have to solve these problems for many agents, simplifying modelling and solving procedures are necessary in order to reduce the level of complexity. First, current and future factors influencing freight transport are discussed. Gallery . However, the re is a doubt about whether this Furness Method itself brings about an impact on the deterrence exponent. The presence or absence of food stocks is a vulnerability indicator of a region. These findings shed some light on the spatial and structural patterns of the locations allocable to the German logistics sector and the freight transport it generates. 918 views. Abstract: Computational traceback models are important tools for investigations of widespread food-borne disease outbreaks as they help to determine the causative outbreak location and food item. In our video series you will meet KLU’s current professors and learn about their motivation, their research, their connection to KLU, what sets KLU apart and makes it such a special place! Open reference in new window "Decision Support for Critical Infrastructure Disruptions: An Integrated Approach to Secure Food Supply". Abstract: In today’s globally interconnected food system, outbreaks of foodborne disease can spread widely and cause considerable impact on public health. Open reference in new window "Quantitative Modellierung der Lebensmittelversorgung in Deutschland des Verbundprojektes SEAK: Endbericht Forschungsprojekt", Abstract: The study contributes to fill the gap between freight transportation analysis and logistic research. After having finished diploma in 2004, he worked for six years at McKinsey & Company, a strategic management consulting firm. Open reference in new window "The interdisciplinary decision map - A reference model for production, logistics and traffic", Open reference in new window "Modelling Dynamic Commodity Flows Using the Example of the German Food Supply Sector", Open reference in new window "The SEAK Project: Decision Support for Managing Disruptions in Food Supply Chains". Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen (FGSV): member of AA 1.8 (Freight Transport) and AK 1.8.4 (Conceptualisation and application of transport demand models estimating commercial transport). Beyond foodborne disease, these methods should find application in identifying the source of spread in network-based diffusion processes more generally, including in networks not well approximated by tree-like structure. To choose the best individual measures for all relevant actors and to compare it with the best overall strategy approaches from multi-criteria decision analysis are used. Two data sets are used to categorize and analyse existing start-ups, one from Crunchbase and the other from a combination of LinkedIn and Crunchbase. Simulations show that the new multimodal transportation system has a significant impact on shipment size distributions changing them in favor of smaller shipments. Abstract: Transparency in transport processes is becoming increasingly important for transport companies to improve internal processes and to be able to compete for customers. Hanno Friedrich is Associate Professor of Freight Transportation - Modelling and Policy. ‪IFSTTAR‬ - ‪‪Cité(e) 450 fois‬‬ - ‪logistics‬ - ‪transport economics‬ Les articles suivants sont fusionnés dans Google Scholar. KLU INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR A SENIOR RESEARCHER IN FOOD SUPPLY ANALYSIS TO BEGIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. These projects will focus on food-related questions, especially in the areas … On the other hand, logistics and production shape freight transport demand. As interdisciplinary research has shown, the impact of the identified factors on the development of freight transport is strongly dependent on the sector under investigation. Principal Investigator: Hanno Friedrich | Working on resilience of the food supply chain through block chain technology. tim.schlaich@scm.the-klu.org (T.S. Supply chains are becoming increasingly vulnerable, due to the associated necessity to cope with increasing volatility while simultaneously reducing risk buffers in processes as a result of rising cost pressure. Die Ableitung dieser Daten sowie die Illustration am Beispiel eines Berlin-Szenarios ist Gegenstand des vorliegenden Aufsatzes. V/ Keynote - Hanno Friedrich, Associate Professor of Freight Transportation - Modelling and Policy, KLU Registrering og morgenkaffe Velkomst Velkomst og kort gennemgang af dagens program. Hanno Friedrich is Assistant Professor of Freight Transportation - Modelling and Policy. Here, the impact of changes in the supply chain structure on freight transport demand is emphasised. Zunächst werden dazu die Fragestellungen analysiert. The soundness of our approach is backed by findings from an interdisciplinary research project. After having finished his diploma in 2004, he worked for six years at McKinsey & Company, a strategic management consulting firm. There is also no generally valid framework for freight transport modelling in comparison to passenger transport modelling. In practice, this allows investigators to relate reported outbreak cases with sourcing zones and respective food-retailers. Based on the insights into ongoing trends, available data and sectoral characteristics, a concept for a sectoral freight transport model for the German automotive industry is developed. Based on conceptual frameworks on logistic choice levels and logistic structures the paper shortly reviews a selection of existing modeling approaches. Accepted 11 Aug 2019. One important element to increase transparency is reliable, up-to-date and accurate arrival time prediction, commonly referred to as estimated time of arrival (ETA). Konkret ergab sich für das Projekt SEAK daraus die Aufgabe, Möglichkeiten der Entscheidungsunterstützung zur Sicherstellung der Lebensmittelversorgung zu erforschen, um geeignete Instrumente für Unternehmen und Behörden zur Verfügung zu stellen. Juli 2017 Darmstadt 2017 - D17 . It presents a classification of general simplification principles that are useful for reducing the complexity of logistics problems, in order to facilitate understanding between academics and practice. The IDM allows for describing and analyzing interdisciplinary impacts of decisions across the disciplines. Abstract: Supplies of food and water are essential in disaster management, particularly in the very early chaotic phases when demand and available resources are highly uncertain, information systems are disrupted, and communication between communities, food suppliers, retail and emergency authorities is difficult. European Transport Conference (ETC): Member of the Freight and Logistics committee. This leads especially to significant reductions in warehouse costs. 2020 KLU celebrates its 10th anniversary! We show how tu use a specific instance of an IDM to facilitate a better understanding to the underlying processes of other supply chain participants. These insights are highly relevant for freight transport and land use planning policies. Journal articles, books, book chapters, working papers and more. IT strategy development and IT post-merger management for an international logistics company, in particular development of a harmonised process model in logistics for future IT support (USA and Germany, 8 months). This computational study describes the structure of an ETA prediction model for intermodal freight transport networks (IFTN), in which schedule-based and non-schedule-based transports are combined, based on machine learning (ML). This is in contrast to existing approaches to network source identification, which assume that the contamination travels along either the shortest or highest probability paths. At the same time, they are confronted with increasing logistical requirements related to higher quality and flexibility demands of customers (Straube et al. Kühne Logistics University. Export record:CitaviEndnoteRISISIBibTeXWordXML, Open reference in new window "An ETA Prediction Model for Intermodal Transport Networks Based on Machine Learning". More broadly, results show how gravity models can contribute to computational approaches to model consumer shopping interactions relating to retail food environments, nutrition, and public health. Das System erkennt proaktiv Konflikte bei der Einhaltung des geplanten Transportverlaufes vom Warenversender bis zum Seehafen und befähigt die Anwender zu einer zielgerichteten und effizienten Durchführung geeigneter Störungsmaßnahmen durch die Vorgabe von akteursspezifischen Handlungsempfehlungen. An in-depth analyze is undertaken to look at opportunities, risks and forms of para-parking and finally a proposal for a qualitative economic impact assessment of parking facility investment is given. This study reveals critical success factors to achieve sustainable toll road projects in the planning stage and to control and enhance the financial sustainability in the executing stage. The functional form is being deduced from the first order condition of Total Logistics Cost function minimization. Abstract: This work aims to discuss modeling issues on solving the transport distribution problem in freight transport. The derivation of the related principles is based on the examination of five problems in logistics literature: facility location, distribution system, lot size, bin packing, and vehicle routing. Dynamo PLV: dynamic and seamless integration of production, logistics and traffic, funding: State of Hesse (LOEWE-Project), partner: TU Darmstadt and EBS, role: head of commercial transport sub-project, RM-LOG: risk-management strategies in infrastructure and logistics networks from a business and macroeconomic perspective, funding: BMBF, partner: TU Berlin, KIT Karlsruhe, 4flow AG and Kühne & Nagel, Logotakt: technologies and processes for robust and synchronised logistics networks, funding: BMWI, partner: KIT, LOCOM, PTV, Volkswagen, DB Schenker, Bosch. To solve the source identification problem, we formulate a probabilistic model of the contamination diffusion process as a random walk on a network and derive the maximum-likelihood estimator for the source location. Disaster managers are provided with a model that can be used estimate otherwise unavailable data and facilitates investigations into the regional resilience of an area. Open reference in new window "A Gravity-Based Approach to Connect Food Retailers with Consumers for Traceback Models of Food-Borne Diseases", Open reference in new window "The Network Source Location Problem in the Context of Foodborne Disease", Open reference in new window "Chapter 12 - Synthesis". View playlist! Abstract: We compute degrees of food self-sufficiency for regions in North Germany with the city state of Hamburg at the centre, given different diets (the German average diet versus increasing substitution of legumes for meat) and production methods (conventional versus organic). to represent network routing of shipments more accurately, is of paramount importance. The KLU Library will help and support you every step of the way doing your studies or research. Open reference in new window "Locating the source of large-scale outbreaks of foodborne disease". Diese Arbeit ist eingebettet in einen übergeordneten Ansatz zur mikroskopischen Modellierung des städtischen Distributionsverkehrs im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Many thanks to #KLU, Hanno Friedrich, André Ludwig, IBM for providing us with this opportunity. However, in the German food sector, it is hard to get data about the inventories kept by companies like producers, logistic service providers (LSP’s), wholesalers or retailers. After having finished his diploma in 2004, he worked for six years at McKinsey & Company, a strategic management consulting firm. A Case Study for Hamburg and North Germany". Such tools are necessary to tackle the inherent complexity of the whole supply chain system. 224 views. However, there is little-to-no information on the food stock levels of commercial companies, and no approach exists to derive such information. We demonstrate the benefits of the multiple-paths approach through application to different network topologies, including stylized models of food supply network structure and real data from the 2011 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli outbreak in Germany. Consequently, the outcome of this research allows decision makers to proactively communicate disruption effects to actors along the intermodal transportation chain. We demonstrate the benefits of the multiple-paths approach through application to different network topologies, including stylized models of food supply network structure and real data from the 2011 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli outbreak in Germany. However, toll road development can only be attractive to investors and lenders if the long-term sustainability is achieved. Modeling results show that on average about 70 percent of all groceries are sourced from non-home zip codes. Abstract: Desicion-makers in and around today's supply chains are facing tough every day. The KLU has chosen European Logistics Universities quite carefully, not only big names from big cities but gemstones in logistics from each country. Abstract: Due to strong interdependencies between production, logistics and traffic, a decision in one of these fields has impacts on the others. Due to the variety of existing approaches and the specifics of each problem it is often difficult to find an appropriate method. Open reference in new window "Generation of logistics networks in freight transportation models", Abstract: available for download: https://www.mckinsey.de/~/media/mckinsey/locations/europe%20and%20middle%20east/deutschland/news/presse/2018/2018-07-12/travel-and-logistics-data-drives-the-race-for-customers.ashx, Open reference in new window "Travel and logistics: data drives the race for customers". View Start-Up Day 2019 Gallery. SMart Event ForeCast for Seaports (SMECS), Funding: BMVI (German ministry of transport), Partner: TU Berlin (Logistics Chair), Kühne Logistics University, DB Cargo, Dakosy Datenkommunikationssystem AG, Kühne + Nagel, Hamburg Süd, DB Netze, TFG Transfracht, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA), Metrans, boxXpress.de, Verein Hamburger Spediteure, Lübecker Hafengesellschaft mbH. Examples are centralisation or vertical (des)integration within supply chains. Open reference in new window "Estimation of the Benefits of Shippers from a Multi-Modal Transport Network". Open reference in new window "Realization of ETA Predictions for Intermodal Logistics Networks using Artificial Intelligence". Ein effizientes Risikomanagement zur Vermeidung von Versorgungsengpässen ist daher sowohl von staatlicher als auch privatwirtschaftlicher Seite erforderlich. Goods are routed via warehouses on their way from production to consumption. Open reference in new window "An Inventory-Focused Analysis of German Food Supply Chains: The Case of Dairy Products". Ihre Aufgaben We are seeking to hire a (senior) researcher to develop and carry out third-party funded research projects together with our faculty members Prof. Dr. Sandra Transchel and Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich. TEDx Talks. By modelling the transmission process as a random walk, we are able to develop a novel, computationally tractable solution that accounts for all possible paths of travel through the network. First, we introduce the data set used for the analysis and the methodology applied to it. MBA in Leadership and Supply Chain Management. By modelling the transmission process as a random walk, we are able to develop a novel, computationally tractable solution that accounts for all possible paths of travel through the network. The model first generates a population of establishments and commodity flows in space which is then manipulated according to different scenarios. It uses methods from transport planning and optimisation as well as scenario technique. Benefit assessment of an ERP implementation for a German food retailer (Germany, 6 months). This article provides an overview of commercial transport modelling issues: First, the different purposes of modelling commercial transport are listed. The issues examined are related to policy support, regional development, the fund-raising model, project development and the financial structure. Ole Hansen Department of Logistics, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany Correspondence ole.hansen@the-klu.org, Hanno Friedrich Department of Logistics, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany & Sandra Transchel Department of Logistics, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany . This computational study describes the structure of an ETA prediction model for intermodal freight transport networks (IFTN), in which schedule-based and non-schedule-based transports are combined, based on machine learning (ML). As many actors and organisations are involved in ever more complex food supply chains, cooperation and collaboration are vital for efficient and effective disaster management. Digital Transformation . However, due to their complexity, the closely interlinked processes are highly susceptible to disruptions. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Hanno Friedrich im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. The IDM allows for describing and analysing interdisciplinary impacts of decisions across the disciplines. Combined with ongoing changes due to digitization, this situation contributes significantly to an increasing need for improved information transparency among companies and their customers. Analysis and optimization of the distribution network of a German fresh food producer (Germany, 2 months). Im Profil von Hanno Friedrich ist 1 Job angegeben. Modelling Food Supply Systems to Identify Outbreak Origins (MFSSIOO), Funding: DFG, Bayer Foundation, BfR, MIT, FALCON: Freight And Logistics in a Multimodal Context , Funding: Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR), Partner: HAN, VTI, DLR, TNO, IFSTTAR, BRRC, CUTS, MAN, Michelin, Role: Advisory Board. Abstract: Die Modellierung des Wirtschaftsverkehrs gewinnt aufgrund der aktuellen Anforderungen und Fragestellungen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Without a common framework, it is difficult to exchange ideas between scientists and to enable an efficient communication and solid agreements between a client and a contractor of a transport modelling service. Therefore, freight transport demand models are needed that can capture the influence and requirements of ongoing trends in production and logistics. SEAK: decision support for food supply shortfalls - quantitative modelling of the food supply in Germany, funding: BMBF, partner: TU Darmstadt, KIT, 4flow AG. See his scientific work now. 2013). Abstract: Toll roads are believed to have a high ability to attract private investment since they are able to recover directly the costs of their operation and construction through toll charges. He studied Industrial Engineering at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). Companies are constantly faced with the challenge of dealing effectively and efficiently with disruptions and resultant delays. For each leg of the intermodal freight transport, an individual ML prediction model is developed and trained using the corresponding historical transport data and external data. Furthermore, a case study on hauliers' reactions on the German HGV toll is presented. Workshop on Logistics startups and opportunities for Lufthansa Technik Logistics services (Germany, 1 day). Get to know our different degree programs, watch lectures from KLU Faculty, chat with current students and staff and ask all the questions that are on your mind from the comfort of your chair. Open reference in new window "Modeling of Freight Transport Distribution in Germany – A Discussion of Traditional Distribution Models and a new Procedure for Performance Improvement", Open reference in new window "A Concept for Modeling Freight Transport within Supply Networks of the Automotive Industry". Thus, it can serve as decision support tool for decision makers out of the considered domains. Hanno Friedrich is Associate Professor of Freight Transportation - Modelling and Policy.

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