In growing urban areas, investments flow in for securing richer profit margins, developers are attracted by the uprising real estate markets, and young graduates are attracted by various dazzling opportunities to further their careers. Enrolment Ceremony 4.11.2020. (FH) Philippe Schmidt M.Sc. 21.09.2020 - Im Wintersemester möchte die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ihre Studierenden wieder vor Ort begrüßen und möglichst viele Veranstaltungen in Präsenz anbieten. Die Anmeldung zu allen Kursen erfolgt über das Alma-Portal. Planning for urban growth or (re)growth is an objective for many planners and policy makers in our current era. Bernhardt, S.M. Martin BielikS Introduction to Master´s Thesis (119123701). On the website »Information regarding Coronavirus« you will find the latest information and handouts on the upcoming exams. Oktober, einschreiben. The 2020/21 winter semester is beginning in a few weeks. for pedestrian movement or economic potentials) and models for computing interactions between land uses are introduced. Semesterbeginn und -ende1.10.2020 bis 31.3.2021, Vorlesungen bzw. Further Dates: 26.11.2020, 10.12.2020, 28.01.2020 Content Integrated development and design processes require skills to effectively communicate with multiple urban actors, ranging from project stakeholders to citizen audiences. Space matters!’ (121122805). Please consult the programme coordinator if those additional course offers can be accounted for the grading of electives within your studies. It is highly recommended that participants attended the course “Parametric Urban Design and Analysis” the previous semester. Module: Study Project (12 LVS /153 CP)Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. The candidates will present the intermediate results of their work on their individual topics. Möglich ist auch ein Lehramtsstudium. Dabei müssen weiterhin die aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um die Corona-Pandemie sorgfältig betrachtet und in die Planungen einbezogen werden. Wintersemester 2020/2021. With these shifts, the processes of urbanisation and expectations towards modernisation is seen as a chance to create new and adaptive urban planning proposals that meet specific needs and conditions of the Ethiopian development context in Sub-Saharan Africa. T.M. As a broad description, spatial inequality can be defined as the mere lack and/or absence of services and unequal distributions of resources in a territory. Claudius TorpS Readings in Global Urban History (121123401). What are the political and planning responses and what kind of instruments are developed? - 04.09.2021, summaery2021 – Die Jahresschau der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar15.7.2021 bis 18.7.2021, Prüfungen19.7.2021 bis 30.7.2021(Bitte unbedingt die Aushänge der einzelnen Fakultäten beachten! Logo: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ≡ ... Sommersemester 2020 + Wintersemester 2019/20 + Sommersemester 2019 + Wintersemester 2018/19 + Sommersemester 2018 + Wintersemester 2017/18 + Sommersemester 2017 + Wintersemester 2016/17 + Sommersemester 2016 + ... Uni intern; TYPO3; Performance record (attestation) will be achieved by giving an oral presentation. Die Infektionszahlen in Deutschland und Thüringen sind weiterhin hoch – zu hoch. Wintersemester 2020/2021. phil. The course extends knowledge and methods you acquired in PUDA I. We thus need to understand them as translocal places historically conditioned by networks of empire, migration and the global economy. ... buchmeiuni-trierde Tel. At the end of the seminar, a thesis proposal should be developed based on an adequate research framework and research design, considering methodological aspects and quality of research. Admission for the Master examination is required for participation. We will raise and discuss some of the following questions: what are the main principles of spatial planning in European countries? Various spatial analysis qualifications will be gained such as where to allocate each use/service based on pre-identified criteria. Suggestions for further action will be made by fellow students and academics attending the colloquium. Weitere Termine zu Veranstaltungen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Kalender oder unseren Pinnwänden. You will exercise your research skills with various analytical tools in preliminary research in order to determine effective parameters for the selected EU missions. And yet, some things will take a different course than students are used to when it officially starts on 2 November 2020 and they return to Weimar for their courses. When shrinking has become a normality in the state of Thuringia, will Thuringia be fully prepared to be an age-friendly state, able to transform the negative effects of declining population into positive opportunities? In this context computational analysis methods for urban fabric (e.g. To study the relationships between urban form and its manifold functions you will learn and train advanced parametric modeling techniques, analysis methods as well as basic knowledge about statistics. Februar 2021, wird der von der AG Kino - Gilde e. V. initiierte, bundesweite Aktionstag »Kino leuchtet« veranstaltet. The seminar will provide an introduction into the developing field of global urban history by focusing on recent scholarship which will be read and discussed collectively. ContentCities are complex human made objects. Universität Potsdam Virginia Poczesny Am Neuen Palais 10 14469 Potsdam. Belegungsplan Wintersemester 2020/21 (02.11.2020 bis 05.02.2021) Sporthalle und Kletterwand Falkenburg Global History of the Weimar Republic (MA / Zertifikat CePoG, Sprachnachweis Englisch) Bischoff. (FH) Philippe Schmidt M.Sc. Regeln zum Infektionsschutz im Wintersemester 2020/2021 (komplett) Verhaltensregeln im Universitätssportzentrum (Zutritt und Ablauf Halle) (kurz) Lageplan der Sportstätten » deutsch. Achten Sie darüber hinaus bitte auch auf Aushänge und Hinweise Ihrer Fakultät oder Ihres Studiengangs. This seminar proposes to explore and question more thoroughly the challenges spatial planning faces and the answers given. 4 S. 2 Studien- und Prüfungsordnung) Module: Study Project (12 LVS / 15 CP)Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wie gestalten wir das Wintersemester 2020/2021? They consist of thousands of elements and need to satisfy numerous human needs. Tel. Wir suchen das Design für den neuen Erstibeutel, vielleicht hast Du eine zündende Idee? Bauhaus Summer School August 2021 This project is built on the foundation of these EU missions and aims to develop future solutions for a more inclusive, healthy and smarter state of Thuringia. Module: Elective Module (2 LVS / 3 CP)Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kinder-Universität Weimar startet Wintersemester. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar uses Matomo for web analytics. Den Studierenden aller Studiengänge soll … Lehrveranstaltungen2.11.2020 bis 5.2.2021, Einführungswoche19.10.2020 bis 23.10.2020, Projektbörse und Einschreibung in die Lehrveranstaltungen, Module etc.ab 26.10.2020 (Bitte die Fakultätsinformationen beachten. One of the main frameworks to create such a balance for emerging cities are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). ), Rückmeldung Sommersemester 20211.1.2021 bis 28.2.2021. The overall goal of this project is to invent future solutions for shrinking cities in the state of Thuringia that correspond to the EU missions. Semesterbeginn und -ende1.4.2021 bis 30.9.2021, Vorlesungsfreie Zeiten: Studienunterbrechungen/Feiertage    Ostern 02.04. Rückmeldung zum Wintersemester 2021/22 1.6.2021 bis 31.8.2021. Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar bietet 45 Studiengänge an, darunter elf Bachelor und 32 Master. The topics addressed include social and racial inequality, ethnic identities, political activism and urban planning. Prüfungen 19.7.2021 bis 30.7.2021 (Bitte unbedingt die Aushänge der einzelnen Fakultäten beachten!) ContentThe transformation from a mainly agricultural society to industrialisation that is faced these days in Ethiopia is linked to substantial changes of the country’s rural and urban areas. ContentGeographic Information Systems (GIS) are a useful tool for multiple disciplines and user groups. Infektions- und Hygienekonzept. Sommersemester 2020; Nachhaltiges Supply Chain Management Wirtschaftsethik II Sustainable Consumption and Alternative Economy Seminare Wintersemester 2019/2020. At the same time, we seek to create a space for learning and exploration on a topic of high importance that converges us all both as students and as an institution. Die Vorbereitungen für das Wintersemester 2020/21 laufen derzeit auf Hochtouren. On the local neighborhood scale, we will look at how these visions will be implemented. Sommersemester 2020; Nachhaltiges Supply Chain Management Wirtschaftsethik II Sustainable Consumption and Alternative Economy Seminare Wintersemester 2019/2020. Mit einer live-online Veranstaltung starteet am 8. Dieser Kurs wird sowohl für die Vorlesung als auch das Seminar genutzt! ), Application Integrated Urban Development and Design (IUDD): Reflective Urban Practice (M.Sc. You will apply the skills from the course in an urban planning project for growing rural towns in Ethiopia but also relate to the specific environment of Subsaharan Africa (IUDD Study Project “Integrated Planning Strategies for Rural-Urban Transformation in Ethiopia”). Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will im Wintersemester 2020/2021 einen möglichst großen Teil ihrer Lehre wieder in Präsenz anbieten. This course introduces different spatial analysis of Vector and Raster data based on ESRI ArcGIS Toolbox tools. Lang. Wir stehen Ihnen aber weiterhin per Telefon oder E-Mail zur Verfügung. Laut § 7 Absatz 2 der Corona-Ordnung können Studierende eine bereits bestandene Prüfung, die dem Sommersemester 2020 und dem Wintersemester 2020/2021 oder die während des Notbtriebs (17.03.2020 bis 04.05.2020) angesetzt waren, einmalig zwecks Notenverbesserung wiederholen. 25.02.2021 - Am kommenden Sonntag, 28. applying it in environmental agencies, transportation, energy, resource and waste management, retail, disaster management, and socio-economics. ), Vorlesungsfreie Zeiten    Weihnachten 21.12.2020 – 3.1.2021, Hochschulinformationtag »HITdigital«6.3.2021, Prüfungen8.2. Reinhard KönigDipl.-Ing. Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar au, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Twitter, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Instagramm, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Vimeo. It is mandatory to be familiar with the basic knowledge of ArcGIS such as creating, editing and dealing with Geodatabases, feature dataset, feature classes, data selection and visualization as it was introduced in part I of the course. ContentIn its study programme "Reflective Urban Practice" the Masters study course "Integrated Urban Development and Design" (IUDD) offers its students outstanding experience at Model Project Partners worldwide. Module: Computational Urban Analysis and Simulation (2 LVS / 3 CP)- Compulsory Course for Ethiopian Study ProjectVertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing Sven SchneiderDipl.-Arch. Working with GIS allows to create easy understandable maps and to enable communication processes. It aims to the individual thematic development of the thesis topic. Julia GamberiniS European Spatial Planning (119122703). On the regional scale, we will look at regional planning perspectives in which policy makers and planners come up with cohesive and integrated strategic visions. Content  As an integral part of the Horizon Europe framework beginning in 2021, the following five areas have been chosen as EU missions: Adaptation to Climate Change, including Societal Transformation; Cancer; Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters; Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities; Soil Health and Food. Module: Model Project Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis! ContentThe existing social and spatial  inequalities have influenced and shaped the form of our territories  and communities throughout history. In this course we deal with computational methods to support this process. Thus, for the development of new towns in rapidly urbanizing regions the understanding of material flows and circulation within the urban system is crucial when it comes about any building activity that determines the urban form and what we finally experience as urban, including open and public space and healthy living conditions. : 0331 977-1337 E-Mail: hi-geschaeftsfuehrung uni-potsdam de Impressum. / How are we designing the 2020/2021 winter semester? Students are guided through the logic of research, the definition of individual research interest and the more objective need to communicate specific knowledge related to a certain subject of interest. Hier finden Sie alle wichtigen Termine für das akademische Jahr an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Studieninteressierte können sich für alle Studiengänge, die noch Plätze zur Verfügung haben, bis Freitag, 16. Wintersemester 2020/21 Lehrangebot Wintersemester 2020/21 Das Dr. Eberle Zentrum für digitale Kompetenzen bietet in Kooperation mit anderen Einrichtungen der Universität Tübingen Kurse zum Erwerb digitaler Kompetenzen für Studierende aller Fachrichtungen an. Module: Module: Introduction to Study Project 2 (2 LVS / 3 CP)- Compulsory Choice II for Thuringian Study ProjectDr. November 2020 das ganze Wintersemester 2020/21 über im Online-Format stattfinden. No prior technical knowledge is required. from 26.10.2020 (Please pay Attention to announcements made by the individual faculties.) Und auch Prüfungen konnten wir unter Beachtung unserer Hygienekonzepte durchführen. Mit dieser Initiative soll durch regionale Aktionen sowie in den sozialen Netzwerken die Aufmerksamkeit … Methods: The seminar methods are mainly based on: Input from the instructor; discussions over key concepts of spatial planning in Europe through articles and case studies; identification and definition of key concepts related to spatial planning; small team works, collective and individual exercises; readings and homework. Universität Weimar für das Sommersemester 2020 und das Wintersemester 2020/21 trotz der Einschrän-kungen des öffentlichen Lebens und des Hochschulbetriebs, die sich durch die Corona-Pandemie-Situation ergeben, aufrecht zu erhalten. : +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 23Fax: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 60E-Mail: studium[at], Wechsel zwischen Farb- und Schwarz-Weiß-Ansicht, Wechsel der Hintergrundfarbe von Weiß zu Schwarz. Keep yourself up to date with the latest information and find links to the important university webpages: Ausnahmen dazu bilden die Projekte, wofür derzeit eine teilweise Durchführung in Präsenz beantragt ist. Wintersemester 2020/21. Katharina Winkens zum Thema Demenz. 9 C, Room 004 + online, online + Belvederer Allee 1a, Medienpool 003, 05.05.2021 (details will be announced in the study project), Belvederer Allee 1a, Medienpool 003 + online, Not necessary, all students accepted for the Master examination have to participate. Das Projektstudium: Das Projektstudium steht in der Bauhaus-Tradition und gehört zu unserem Selbstverständnis. Folgende Vorlesungen, Seminare und Praktika werden angeboten: Physikalische Chemie II. Fokussierte Elemente werden schwarz hinterlegt und so visuell hervorgehoben. 1.10.2020 until 31.3.2021 Lectures and Courses 2.11.2020 until 5.2.2020 Orientation Week 19.10.2020 until 23.10.2020 Project Auction (Projektbörse) and enrolment for Courses, modules, etc. Sommersemester 2019 14.10.2020, 17:40. ), IUDD, Study Programme Advanced Urbanism (M.Sc. Further Coursescan be selected from the university’s courses if seats are offered. Am 10. Das Wintersemester steht – in welcher Form auch immer – schon fast vor der Tür und damit auch neue Erstis! Different key factors like food security, energy, water and sanitation are linked to resource questions of material and land and how those can be influential on the development of prospective cities. Wintersemester 2020/21 Lehrveranstaltungen Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener Global Norm Conflicts: Torture and Sexual Violence Prohibition (BA, Seminar, auf Englisch) Do 12:15-13:45 Uhr

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