Arabic  bis auf Heinrichs VIII. It's very probable that the disappearance of these public balls was due to the application of laws of public indecency, and the consequent withdrawal of the homosexual life into private residencies, and clubs. (Max Bernhard), 1852-1918, Welt- und Lebenanschauungen; hervorgegangen aus Religion, Philosophie und Naturerkenntnis. J  The photo was taken by the forensic experts of the police that had raided the party being held in a private apartment, after receiving an anonymous tip-off about "antinatural activities" in a house in the Simeon street, number 6. For spring, summer, and fall big balls were organized, and there was also a big costume ball for carnival. Nieuwenhuis-von Üxküll-Güldenbandt, M. Ludwig Richter. Reise nach dem skandinavischen Norden und der Insel Island im Jahre 1845. It’s a deep psychological mystery about the power of motherhood, the intensity of teenage love, and the danger of perfection. 1, Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden. La sociedad en la cual se comienza a bailar tango era mayoritariamente masculina, por la tanto, a la luz pública se bailaba entre parejas de hombres únicamente, ya que la iglesia aplicaba su moralismo y no permitía la unión de un hombre y una mujer en esta clase de baile. Now a Hulu original series starring Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington. These balls, even though they were celebrated in the zhenonenavistnik ("woman-haters") subculture, a hyper-masculine group of homosexuals, also accepted cross-dressers. B  The actors are present in large numbers. Bd. Sechster Band: enthaltend Kapitel 11 und 12, Geschichte von England seit der Thronbesteigung Jakob's des Zweiten. But these postcards come from cabarets in Paris, and have a particularly masculine, and voyeur accent. [note 10], The number 41 (or 42, as it was rumored that Ignacio de la Torre, Porfirio Díaz's son-in-law, had escaped) became part of Mexico's popular culture as a way to refer to homosexuals, passive homosexuals for the number 42. Zweiter Band. Alles ist Kulisse, und nur der ganz Weltfremde glaubt an ihre Echtheit. Hochschule Pforzheim, Fakultät für Technik, Informationstechnik, Maschinenbau, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Bachelorprogramme, Masterprogramme, [28][29] Later, the big balls for carnival attracted a gay public, as the one celebrated yearly in the Magic-City, in the rue de l'Université, 180, inaugurated in 1920, and active until the prohibition on February 6, 1934. Many visitors dress in formal or street suit, but many are costumed. Über die bürgerliche Verbesserung der Weiber, Hoffmann, E. T. A. Die Familie Selicke: Drama in drei Aufzügen, Mr. Honey's Banking Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Banking Dictionary (German-English), Mr. Honey's Beginner's Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Beginner's Dictionary (German-English), Mr. Honey's Correspondence Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Correspondence Dictionary (German-English), Mr. Honey's Insurance Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Insurance Dictionary (German-English), Mr. Honey's Large Business Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Large Business Dictionary (German-English), Mr. Honey's Medium Business Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Medium Business Dictionary (German-English), Mr. Honey's Small Banking Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Small Banking Dictionary (German-English), Mr. Honey's Small Business Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Small Business Dictionary (German-English), Mr. Honey's Tourist Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Tourist Dictionary (German-English), Mr. Honey's Work Study Dictionary (English-German), Mr. Honey's Work Study Dictionary (German-English), Houben, H. H. (Heinrich Hubert), 1875-1935, Pitt und Fox, die Liebeswege der Brüder Sintrup: Roman, Der Hahn von Quakenbrück und andere Novellen, Das Judengrab; Aus Bimbos Seelenwanderungen: Zwei Erzählungen, Lebenslauf des heiligen Wonnebald Pück: Eine Erzählung, Der letzte Sommer: Eine Erzählung in Briefen, Von der Macht des Gemüts, durch den bloßen Vorsatz seiner krankhaften Gefühle Meister zu sein, Ideen zu einer Physiognomik der Gewächse, Rede, gehalten bei der Eröffnung der Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte in Berlin, am 18. Alte Nester: Zwei Bücher Lebensgeschichten, Der Junker von Denow; Ein Geheimnis; Ein Besuch; Auf dem Altenteil: Erzählungen, Keltische Knochen/Gedelöcke: Erzählungen, Meister Autor; oder, die Geschichten vom versunkenen Garten, Das Mädchen aus der Feenwelt; oder, Der Bauer als Millionär, Ludwig Tiecks Genoveva, als romantische Dichtung betrachtet, Cannes und Genua: Vier Reden zum Reparationsproblem, Briefe aus Frankfurt und Paris 1848-1849 (1/2), Briefe aus Frankfurt und Paris 1848-1849 (2/2), Richthofen, Manfred, Freiherr von, 1892-1918, Relativitätstheorie und Erkenntnis Apriori, Woge und Wind: Eine Strandnovelle in Versen, Reinhard, Christian Tobias Ephraim, 1719-1792, Satyrische Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Frauenspersonen, welche sie sich durch ihren Putz und Anzug zuziehen, Kulturgeschichte der Nutzpflanzen, Band IV, 1. On the other hand, in western societies, two woman dancing together publicly is still acceptable nowadays, and can be done without any suspicions of lesbianism. Other recordings  A. Occitan  Al último figurín, From the neighboring rooms you can hear clear laughter, the clinking of glasses, and animated singing, but nowhere – wherever you look – are the limits of a fine, elegant fancy-dress ball overstepped. [33], Dr. Matt Houlbrook, of the University of Liverpool, affirms that in the 1920s and 30s, cross dressing balls were being held secretly almost every weekend, gathering 50 to 100 men. Gamilaraay  [13] On January 30, 1933, the nazi party came to power, and on February 23, 1933, the Prussian Interior Minister ordered that all bars "that have abused [their permit] to promote immorality" be closed. A very girlish revue star proceeds under the spotlight with female graceful pirouettes. [40], Mainly the smaller balls were the objective of police raids, that sometimes arrested those participating. Gegen 2 Uhr findet die Kaffeepause – die Haupteinnahmequelle des Saalinhabers – statt. half of whom were disguised Band 2 (von 3), Der Deutsche Lausbub in Amerika: Erinnerungen und Eindrücke. Thousands of young men arrived to the city from all continents, converting a small frontier town into an amusement city, where everything was possible. The Argentine tango, as a dance, was developed by the end of the 20th century among men, and by men that danced with other men in streets and brothels: The society that begins to dance tango was mainly male, and thus, in public, it was danced by two men only, as the [Catholic] church applied its morals, and did not allow the union of a man and a woman in this type of dance [...] The Pope Pius X banished it, the Kaiser outlawed it to his officers. A  Daniel Guérin described one of the dens as a place where "[...] workmen, prostitutes, society women, johns, and aunties all danced. The list of names was never revealed. Los vagos, rateros y afeminados que han sido enviados a Yucatán, no han sido consignados a los batallones del Ejército que operan en la campaña contra los indígenas mayas, sino a las obras públicas en las poblaciones conquistadas al enemigo común de la civilización. Just after 1.00am, mindful that some guests had started to leave, Caminada gained entry to the ball by giving the password "sister" in an effeminate manner to a doorman dressed as a nun. Antworten von gestern auf Fragen von heute, Jacobine von Baiern Gräfin von Hennegau, Holland, Friesland und Zeeland, Die Deutschen Familiennamen, geschichtlich, geographisch, sprachlich, Die menschliche Familie nach ihrer Entstehung und natürlichen Entwickelung, Backfischchen's Leiden und Freuden: Eine Erzählung für junge Mädchen, Deutsche Literaturgeschichte in einer Stunde, Soldan's Geschichte der Hexenprozesse. The planners of these balls became well known: H. Mann in the 1910s, Kackie Mason in the 1920s, and 30s, Phil Black in the 1930s to 60s, were celebrated in many a novel. Band 2, Vierzig Jahre aus dem Leben eines Toten. last 30 days, See: Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180, See: Hanke, Henriette Wilhelmine Arndt, 1784-1862, See: Artsybashev, M. (Mikhail), 1878-1927, See: Stolberg-Stolberg, Augusta Louise, Gräfin zu, 1753-1835, See: Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, 1812-1885, See: Robert, de Boron, active 13th century, See: Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich, 1873-1924, See: Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur, 1876-1925, See: Alarcón, Pedro Antonio de, 1833-1891, See: Boer, T. J. de (Tjitze J. G  Smokings und Fräcke und große Abendroben – so präsentiert sich die Normalität, die zum Schauen hierher kommt. [36], At the beginning of the 20th century, all these balls had already disappeared, and were just a memory of the past, as recounts the author Max Bembo in his book, La mala vida en Barcelona ("The Bad Life in Barcelona"): "I could not find in the homosexualism of Barcelona the appearance it used to have; the parties where the baptism of homosexuals were celebrated; the very scandalous balls; the sardanapalic festivities, the shame of the city". See: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616, See: Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel de Riqueti, comte de, 1749-1791, See: Wittenweiler, Heinrich, active 15th century. a grand and peculiar dance. [39], In Mexico, the country's biggest scandal at the turn of the twentieth century was the so-called "Dance of the Forty-One" or "Dance of the Forty-One Faggots". Der geistige Entdecker Amerika's, Der ewige Buddho: Ein Tempelschriftwerk in vier Unterweisungen, Die schwarzen Brüder: Eine abentheuerliche Geschichte. Los gendarmes atisbaron Fast stets sind mehrere Geheimpolizisten zugegen, die achtgeben, daß nichts Ungeziemendes vorkommt; soweit ich unterrichtet bin, lag aber noch nie ein Anlaß vor, einzuschreiten. "[34][35], Mid 19th century, during the reign of Isabella II, appeared the sociedades de baile, "ball societies", mostly groups of young people that tried to rent some premises to organize a ball; but there were also other, more elegant, or pretentious, that rented theaters for their balls. It has had a notable influence, mainly through Madonna's "Vogue" video, where the dancers use the vogue dancing style, developed in the ball culture, imitating the movements of models on the catwalk. An important effort was done to keep everything decent, respectable, and contained, and Rolf made sure that no man under 20 was present. In a burst of liberated zeal they rented big places like the Elks Lodge on 160 West 129th Street, and they turned up in dresses Madame Pompadour herself might have thought twice about. Winke und Rathschläge für Gesunde und Kranke... Humoristische Erinnerungen aus meinem academischen Leben, Erstes Bändchen, Humoristische Erinnerungen aus meinem academischen Leben, Zweites Bändchen, Vorlesungen ueber die Theorie der Hyperelliptischen Integrale, Zur Geschichte der Theorie der Elliptischen Transcendenten, Sünndagsklocken: Stadt- un Dörp-Predigten, Adelina; oder, Der Abschied vom neunzehnten Lebensjahre. [13] In the 1920s gay balls reached enormous sizes, with premises filling several ballrooms with some thousands of men. Gaelic, Scottish  D  Erster Teil, Märchen und Erzählungen für Anfänger. LGBT History Month in the UK commissioned Stephen M Hornby and Ric Brady to write a three part play about the ball as part of the first OUTing The Past festival in 2015 in Manchester. Swedish  Many of the onlooker just went to insult and harass the gays participating, as Charles Étienne describes in his novel Le Bal des folles:[29], After the bruising attack outside, here the reception was more restrained, but quite as bitter, inside. (Felix Aaron), 1884-1956, Jüdische Flieger im Kriege, ein Blatt der Erinnerung, Der Untergang der Deutschen Juden: Eine Volkswirtschaftliche Studie, Fräulein Doctor im Irrenhause: Eine Begebenheit aus unserer Zeit, Katharina von Bora: Geschichtliches Lebensbild, Der Postsekretär im Himmel, und andere Geschichten, Die letzten zwanzig Jahre deutscher Litteraturgeschichte 1880–1900, Schriften 13: Märchen; Dramatische Gedichte; Fragmente, Timerding, H. E. (Heinrich Emil), 1873-1945, Lustreise ins Morgenland, Erster Theil (von 2), Lustreise ins Morgenland, Zweiter Theil (von 2), Gedichte der Gefangenen: Ein Sonettenkreis (Nr. 1. Interessante Wanderungen durch das Sächsische Ober-Erzgebirge, Gauss, ein Umriss seines Lebens und Wirkens, Zweig, Friderike Maria Burger Winternitz, 1882-1971, Witte, Johann Heinrich Friedrich Karl, 1800-1883, Wolff, A.