December 5, 2020 – 15 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 17 recoveries. Active cases decrease to 604. Wiederöffnungserklärung und Öffnungstermine für einzelne Länder, Zugelassene Länder/Regionen und die Öffnungstermine, Obligatorische Verfahren und Voraussetzungen für die Einreise, Punkt 1: Grundlegende Informationen für Reisende, Punkt 3: Erforderlicher negativer PCR-Test, Punkt 4: Erforderlicher Versicherungsschutz, Punkt 5: Zustimmung zu den Mandaten der Regierung von Aruba, Gesundheits- & Sicherheitsmaßnahmen bei der Ankunft auf Aruba, Vorschriften bei Symptomen oder einem positiven COVID-19 Test während dem Aufenthalt auf Aruba, Bei COVID-19 Symptomen, die einen Test erfordern : Schritt 2. Das neue ED-Kartenverfahren wird ab dem 25. Active cases increase to 572. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has decreased to 268 (218 residents and 50 non-residents) with 40 new cases (39 residents and 1 non-resident), and 52 recoveries. March 5, 2021 – 45 new cases of COVID-19, 71 recoveries and 1 death reported. Von Besuchern und Einheimischen wird erwartet, dass sie jederzeit eine Maske bei sich haben, die sie an den unten aufgeführten vorgeschriebenen Orten sowie an allen anderen Orten tragen, an denen eine soziale Distanzierung nicht möglich ist. The total recovered is 7361 (6987 residents and 374 visitors). The total cases to date is 9607 (8949 residents and 658 visitors). The positivity rate among residents is 25%. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 71 (70 residents and 1 non-resident). Die Regierung von Aruba berücksichtigt für den Eintscheidungsprozess einige Faktoren, darunter: Die sorgfältige Wiedereröffnung Arubas erfolgt in Phasen, die von der Regierung Arubas und dem Gesundheitsministerium überwacht werden. The total cases to date is 8320 (7802 residents and 518 visitors). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a European entry ban is in effect for some people, barring them from travelling to the European Union or the Schengen area. The total recovered is 7242 (6902 residents and 340 visitors). Active cases increase to 221. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 133934 of which 88026 were persons tested at the airport. Music: No parties with live music or DJs allowed. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 107331 of which 68340 were persons tested at the airport. For more info visit the privacy policy page. The total cases to date is 9142 (8536 residents and 604 visitors). The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 164 (135 residents and 29 visitors) with 18 new cases (12 residents and 6 non-residents), and 16 recoveries. The total cases to date is 5509 (5304 residents and 205 visitors). There are currently 42 persons hospitalized, 11 of whom are in intensive care. The positivity rate among residents is 34%. Sincere condolences to the families of the deceased. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has decreased to 538 (471 residents and 67 non-residents) with 43 new cases (37 residents and 6 non-residents), and 69 recoveries. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 537 (512 residents and 25 visitors) with 26 new cases (25 residents and 1 non-resident), 23 recoveries and 1 death. There are currently 27 persons hospitalized, 9 of whom are in intensive care. Dazu gehören unter anderem Lebensmittel- und Getränkebetriebe, Einzelhandelsgeschäfte im Freien, Attraktionen im Freien, Parks, Rad- und Wanderwege usw. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 476 (448 residents and 28 visitors) with 16 new cases (14 residents and 2 non-residents), and no recoveries. Active cases increase to 327. 55 non-airport lab tests have been done indicating a local positivity rate of 15%. 91 non-airport lab tests were done since last report, indicating a local positivity rate of 11%. There are currently 24 persons hospitalized, 9 of whom are in intensive care. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 373 (356 residents and 17 visitors) with 41 new cases (38 residents and 3 non-residents), 29 recoveries and 1 death. The total cases to date is 9958 (9252 residents and 701 visitors). The total recovered is 8164 (7661 residents and 503 visitors). Active cases increase to 704. The total cases to date is 9896 (9200 residents and 691 visitors). The total recovered is 7067 (6766 residents and 301 visitors). Active cases increase to 379. December 28, 2020 – 18 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 18 recoveries. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has decreased to 341 (321 residents and 20 visitors) with 22 new cases (19 residents and 3 non-residents), and 61 recoveries. Der Gast wird von einem vorgeschriebenen Transportunternehmen und unter bestimmten Auflagen zum Test gefahren. Einreisebestimmungen und Impfungen Coronavirus Reisehinweise: Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie haben sich die Einreise- und Visabestimmungen weltweit geändert. Um die Pandemie hier wieder in den Griff zu bekommen, setzt jetzt auch unser Nachbarland auf verschärfte Corona Regeln. Außerdem musst du bei der Einreise … The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 82 (81 residents and 1 non-resident). Aruba. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has decreased to 239 (212 residents and 27 non-residents) with 29 new cases (28 residents and 1 non-resident), and 58 recoveries. The total recovered is 7436 (7050 residents and 386 visitors). The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 49 (all residents). Diese Frist beginnt jedes Mal erneut, wenn innerhalb der Gruppe eine weitere Person positiv getestet wird. Closing times: All establishments to close by 10pm with the exception of hotel establishments. There are currently 16 persons hospitalized, 5 of whom are in intensive care. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 74075 of which 45024 were persons tested at the airport. All bars, rum shops, and nightclubs are closed until further notice. The total cases to date is 5056 (4913 residents and 143 visitors). The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 56300 of which 31450 were persons tested at the airport. As with all of Aruba’s procedures and protocols, this will be monitored and is subject to change as the situation develops. The positivity rate among residents is 32%. The total recovered is 9411 (8770 residents and 641 visitors). The total cases to date is 8800 (8217 residents and 583 visitors). 1 person passes away. The total recovered is 5757 (5541 residents and 216 visitors). Active cases increase to 122. The total recovered is 5092 (4938 residents and 154 visitors). The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 68 (67 residents and 1 non-resident). Kinder unter 14 Jahren müssen bei der Ankunft am Flughafen von Aruba weder den obligatorischen PCR-Test machen noch sich einem Gesundheitsscreening unterziehen. February 3, 2021 – 55 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 33 recoveries. There are currently 18 persons hospitalized, 9 of whom are in intensive care. There are currently 23 persons hospitalized, 9 of whom are in intensive care. January 11, 2021 – 26 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 23 recoveries. The total cases to date is 7891 (7429 residents and 462 visitors). Active cases decrease to 268. COVID-19 in Aruba from June 1 to November 30, 2020 The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is now 81 (80 residents and 1 non-resident). The total cases to date is 7438 (7062 residents and 376 visitors). The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 160 (134 residents and 26 visitors) with 13 new cases (7 residents and 6 non-residents), and 12 recoveries. The total cases to date is 10050 (9326 residents and 719 visitors). The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 77550 of which 47124 were persons tested at the airport. There are currently 12 persons hospitalized, 4 of whom are in intensive care. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 74678 of which 45341 were persons tested at the airport. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 84056 of which 51300 were persons tested at the airport. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has decreased to 362 (338 residents and 24 visitors) with 26 new cases (24 residents and 2 non-residents), and 55 recoveries. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 52 (all residents). The total recovered is 4733 (4631 residents and 102 visitors). Active cases increase to 206. The Aruba government has confirmed that Aruba has had 5 cases of the UK variant of COVID-19. Timing: Die Aruba Visitors Insurance muss innerhalb von 72 Stunden und 4 Stunden vor der Abreise nach Aruba abgeschlossen werden. 82 non-airport lab tests have been done indicating a local positivity rate of 16%. Die Insel ist überwiegend flach, 30 km lang und misst an der breitesten Stelle 9 km von Küste zu Küste. December 2, 2020 – 30 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 13 recoveries. There are currently 31 persons hospitalized, 11 of whom are in intensive care. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 50 (all residents). The local positivity rate is 30%. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has decreased to 283 (220 residents and 63 non-residents) with 30 new cases (22 residents and 8 non-residents) and 55 recoveries. There are currently 7 persons hospitalized, 1 of whom is in intensive care. February 23, 2021 – 43 new cases of COVID-19 and 23 recoveries reported. Aruba ED Card ist die Kurzform für die offizielle Einreisekarte: Embarkation-Disembarkation Card. February 28, 2021 – 15 new cases of COVID-19, and 32 recoveries reported. The total cases to date is 7735 (7299 residents and 436 visitors). The positivity rate among residents is 13%. March 8, 2021 – 17 new cases of COVID-19 and 30 recoveries reported. A maximum of 4 adults can be seated together at a restaurant, indoor or outdoor. The total recovered is 5987 (5753 residents and 234 visitors). The total recovered is 8028 (7542 residents and 486 visitors). RIVM reports two cases of South African variant in Aruba. There are currently 7 persons hospitalized, 2 of whom are in intensive care. Active cases increase to 292. Überseegebiete: Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten You are strongly advised not to travel to the Netherlands unless it is strictly necessary. Vaccination numbers reported. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 89061 of which 54495 were persons tested at the airport. The total cases to date is 7319 (6977 residents and 342 visitors). The total cases to date is 5031 (4894 residents and 137 visitors). The requirement for all establishments (with the exception of those at hotels) to close by 10pm will also remain in effect. Sincere condolences to the family of the deceased. Zwischen den Niederlanden und Deutschland finden derzeit keine Grenzkontrollen statt. Für Gäste, die die Kriterien für die Prüfung NICHT ERFÜLLEN: Für Gäste, die die Kriterien für einen Test erfüllen: Diese Informationen können nach dem Ermessen der Regierung von Aruba geändert werden. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 82 (81 residents and 1 non-resident). The positivity rate among residents is 13%. Active cases increase to 280. The positivity rate among residents is 13%. The total recovered is 8310 (7784 residents and 526 visitors). The total recovered is 5323 (5131 residents and 192 visitors). The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is now 69 (68 residents and 1 non-resident). The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 139 (125 residents and 14 visitors) with 30 new cases (28 residents and 2 non-residents) and 13 recoveries. Bietet die Unterlunft keine Isolationsmöglichkeit, muss der positiv getestete Gast an einen ausgewiesenen Isolationsort transportiert werden. The Aruba government has decided to extend the curfew until January 7th. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 46 (all residents). The total cases to date is 7202 (6878 residents and 324 visitors). There are currently 46 persons hospitalized, 12 of whom are in intensive care. Aufgrund der sich ständig ändernden Situation empfehlen wir allen Reisenden sich regelmäßig auf über Änderungen zu informieren. 1 person passes away. Active cases increase to 202. 38 hospital lab tests were done since last report, indicating a local positivity rate of 3%. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 45 (all residents). No musical entertainment allowed, only background music, dancing not allowed. Diese Fragen sind unter anderem: Timing: Dieser Schritt muss innerhalb von 72 Stunden und 4 Stunden vor der Abreise nach Aruba abgeschlossen sein. February 8, 2021 – 13 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 47 recoveries. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 47 (all residents). 1 person passes away. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 151 (127 residents and 24 visitors) with 19 new cases (16 residents and 3 non-residents) and 13 recoveries. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 123265 of which 79669 were persons tested at the airport. The total cases to date is 5257 (5081 residents and 176 visitors). Die Ausbreitung der Atemwegserkrankung COVID-19 führt auch in den Niederlanden zu verstärkten Einreisekontrollen, Gesundheitsprüfungen mit Temperaturmesserungen und Einreisesperren. Currently Aruba has one weekly direct flight from London (Gatwick) operated by TUI. The total recovered is 4890 (4766 residents and 124 visitors). The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 81 (80 residents and 1 non-resident). January 13, 2021 – 74 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 41 recoveries. The total recovered is 4718 (4616 residents and 102 visitors). The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 57 (all residents). The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 71 (70 residents and 1 non-resident). The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 135812 of which 89562 were persons tested at the airport. Traditional pagara (large firecrackers): will be allowed until Dec 31 at 3pm. There are currently 40 persons hospitalized, 13 of whom are in intensive care. Timing: Die Zahlung für den PCR-Test bei Ankunft auf Aruba muss innerhalb von 72 Stunden und 4 Stunden vor der Abreise nach Aruba abgeschlossen sein. April 2020 weiter verschärft: Frauen und Männer dürfen nur noch an getrennten Tagen für bis zu zwei Stunden Lebensmittel- bzw. The total cases to date is 4902 (4786 residents and 116 visitors). Active cases increase to 291. There are currently 29 persons hospitalized, 10 of whom are in intensive care. Klima April 1, 2021 – 60 new cases of COVID-19 and 29 recoveries reported. December 4, 2020 – 19 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 13 recoveries. Tables must be at least 1.5 m apart. WestJet operated one weekly flight to Aruba, whereas Air Canada had two weekly flights, both airlines flew from Toronto (YYZ). The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 81348 of which 49392 were persons tested at the airport. Sincere condolences to the family of the deceased. 109 non-airport lab tests have been done indicating a local positivity rate of 21%. The local positivity rate is 25%. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 90512 of which 55596 were persons tested at the airport. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 45 (all residents). Establishments (indoor and outdoor) are permitted to have (music) performances by up to a maximum of 1 musician/performer under the established guidelines. Juni 2020 online verfügbar sein. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has decreased to 293 (241 residents and 52 non-residents) with 13 new cases (11 residents and 2 non-residents), 47 recoveries and 2 deaths. Anerkennung und Zustimmung zur Befolgung aller Anweisungen, die von den Gesundheitsbehörden Arubas auferlegt werden; dazu gehören unter anderem Anweisungen zur Isolierung oder Quarantäne. Aruba government announces some changes effective today. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 77 (76 residents and 1 non-resident). Shops/Supermarkets: No more than 1 person per family allowed inside. The total cases to date is 9214 (8599 residents and 613 visitors). Hotel guests can order alcoholic beverages on the beach as long as they stay on the hotel property, and can bring their beverages to their palapa or beach chair as long as they order from the hotel bar. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 76 (75 residents and 1 non-resident). Die beschränkten Ausgangszeiten wurden vom 1. Medikamentenkäufe tätigen, Frauen am Montag, Mittwoch und Freitag, Männer am … Closing time change: Latest at 11 pm for all establishments (previously 10pm). Active cases increase to 380. The total cases to date is 7028 (6740 residents and 288 visitors). There are currently 35 persons hospitalized, 12 of whom are in intensive care. The positivity rate among residents is 25%. Active cases decrease to 502. Die Regierung von Aruba verlangt, dass alle einreisenden Besucher ab 15 Jahren auf dem Flughafen in Aruba, während der Taxifahrt vom Flughafen zu ihrer Unterkunft und bis zum Betreten ihres Zimmers eine Maske tragen. The total recovered is 6962 (6675 residents and 287 visitors). The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is now 82 (81 residents and 1 non-resident). Dies erfordert von den Reisenden die Angabe grundlegender persönlicher Informationen und Reisedaten wie: Geburtsdatum, Reisepassinformationen, Aufenthaltsdauer usw. There are currently 6 persons hospitalized, none of whom are in intensive care. Die Regierung von Aruba verlangt von allen Besuchern und Einheimischen, dass sie in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, einschließlich öffentlich Busse und Taxis, eine Maske tragen. December 1, 2020 – 26 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 13 recoveries. The positivity rate among residents is 20%. Die Entscheidung zur Wiedereröffnung der Grenzen, die Anfang März aufgrund der COVID-19-Beschränkungen geschlossen wurden, wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gesundheitsministerium von Aruba (DPH) getroffen, sowie mit laufender Beratung durch die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), dem niederländsichen Nationalen Institut für öffentliche Gesundheit umd Umwelt (RIVM) und dem Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in den Vereinigten Staaten. The total recovered is 5179 (5006 residents and 173 visitors). The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 538 (508 residents and 30 visitors) with 94 new cases (84 residents and 10 non-residents), and 66 recoveries. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 104076 of which 65911 were persons tested at the airport. The total recovered is 9351 (8720 residents and 631 visitors). February 17, 2021 – 52 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 21 recoveries. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is now 50 (all residents). The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is now 75 (74 residents and 1 non-resident). Die Testergebnisse werden vom Gesundheitsministerium innerhalb von 24-48 Stunden bekannt gegeben. KLM has also announced that it is cancelling all flights from South America, however for the time being will continue to operate flights between the Netherlands and Aruba, Curacao and the rest of the Dutch Caribbean islands. Restaurants: Maximum of 4 persons per table (inside) and 6 persons per table (outside). There are currently 5 persons hospitalized, none of whom are in intensive care. The positivity rate among residents is 27%. Mitreisende werden in ein Hotel oder eine Unterkunft gebracht und bis zum Vorliegen der Testergebnisse unter Quarantäne gestellt. February 11, 2021 – 19 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 40 recoveries. Music outside restaurants is not allowed. January 28, 2021 – 49 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 16 recoveries. There are currently 15 persons hospitalized, 4 of whom are in intensive care. Social / family gatherings: not permitted. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 124026 of which 80313 were persons tested at the airport. In die niederländischen Überseegebiete Aruba und Curaçao ist die Einreise unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen ab sofort wieder möglich. There are currently 7 persons hospitalized, 2 of whom are in intensive care. The local positivity rate is 46%. These include the curfew and other measures. The total cases to date is 5044 (4904 residents and 140 visitors). The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 49 (all residents). Aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie möchte Aruba sicherstellen, dass alle Besucher ordnungsgemäß versichert sind. An exception is now being made for persons living under the same roof or persons staying in the same hotel room. The total cases to date is 4996 (4861 residents and 135 visitors). The total recovered is 9053 (8450 residents and 603 visitors). March 18, 2021 – 73 new cases of COVID-19 and 29 recoveries reported. Active cases decrease to 344. January 9, 2021 – 36 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 47 recoveries. Aruba government prolongs safety measures for two more weeks. Active cases remain at 107. The positivity rate among residents is 14%. The total cases to date is 6896 (6615 residents and 281 visitors). The total recovered is 5923 (5692 residents and 231 visitors). The local positivity rate is 21%. There are currently 32 persons hospitalized, 14 of whom are in intensive care. February 1, 2021 – 20 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 27 recoveries. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 85637 of which 52466 were persons tested at the airport. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 62 (61 residents and 1 non-resident). The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 97951 of which 61317 were persons tested at the airport. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has decreased to 159 (150 residents and 21 visitors) with 8 new cases (7 residents and 1 non-resident), and 20 recoveries. Aruba’s Health Department has provided some information about two “variants of concern” in circulation in Aruba. There are currently 18 persons hospitalized, 5 of whom are in intensive care. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 54861 of which 30202 were persons tested at the airport. As was previously the case, children aged 12 or younger do not count towards the maximum number of persons seated at a table in any case. The total cases to date is 5811 (5595 residents and 214 visitors). The total recovered is 5389 (5188 residents and 201 visitors). Active cases increase to 234. The Aruban authorities and TUI continue to monitor and evaluate the situation and any further decisions will be published as they are taken. This will no longer be possible due to the new directive from the Canadian government. January 29, 2021 – 38 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 72 recoveries. Sincere condolences to the family of the deceased. The number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 92 (91 residents and 1 non-resident). The total cases to date is 8482 (7952 residents and 530 visitors). The positivity rate among residents is 21%. The positivity rate among residents is 44%. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has decreased to 182 (157 residents and 25 non-residents) with 45 new cases (40 residents and 5 non-residents), 71 recoveries and 1 death. The total recovered is 7131 (6809 residents and 322 visitors). Die Anforderungen an die Einreisekarte beinhalten fünf Punkte. The positivity rate among residents is 15%. The positivity rate among residents is 18%. The government of Aruba has also implemented additional island-wide measures to further maintain the health and safety of visitors. The total recovered is 4919 (4786 residents and 133 visitors). There are 9 persons hospitalized, 2 of whom are in intensive care. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 704 (645 residents and 59 non-residents) with 60 new cases (50 residents and 10 non-residents), and 29 recoveries. The total number of active COVID-19 coronavirus cases has increased to 122 (110 residents and 12 visitors) with 23 new cases (all residents), and 8 recoveries. January 8, 2021 – 94 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 66 recoveries. Active cases increase to 538. Jeder andere COVID-19-Test (serologischer Test/Antikörpertest, Antigentest oder jeder andere Bluttest) wird nicht akzeptiert. The Aruba government continues to monitor the situation related to the new strain of COVID-19 identified in the UK and has so far concluded that based on the testing requirements for Aruba, flights from the UK can be allowed. February 15, 2021 – 25 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 31 recoveries. The number of persons tested, including visitors, is now 119810 of which 77457 were persons tested at the airport. There are currently 34 persons hospitalized, 11 of whom are in intensive care. Der Gastgeber oder der Reisende selbst setzt sich mit dem privaten Concierge in Verbindung, um den Transport zu arrangieren.

Huawei Gigacube Router, Personalabteilung Marienhospital Stuttgart, Wohnung Kaufen Duisburg-großenbaum, 2000 Klinikum Nürnberg Süd, Synonym Am Ende, Kununu Bayer Bitterfeld, Den Tod Der Mutter Verarbeiten, Wegwerfmädchen Teil 2 Mediathek, Beschäftigungsverbot Schwangerschaft Corona Hessen, Zulassungsstelle Bühl Online Termin Vereinbaren, Festland Zweier Erdteile 8 Buchstaben Kreuzworträtsel,